Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2019

Lenovo Yoga 710: Fan and keyboard annoyance fixed!

I'm only satisfied with the ultra smart Lenovo Yoga 710 (bought 2017 for less than 1000 € at notebooksbilliger, with 520 GB SSD hard disk storage) since I was able to fix two considerable construction-related defects via software:

Keyboard problem:

The right shift key of the Yoga is located right outside, even right of the cursor-up key. An absolute no-go for proper typing, because you always land on the cursor key! This has also been mentioned in all Yoga evaluations as a serious deficiency. A shame, actually, for such a chic, ultra-flat, stylish device.

Solution: I searched a bit longer and finally found the very versatile and universal freeware keyboard layout program Autohotkey and created two small exe-files for built-in and external keyboard layout, which swap the cursor and shift key and which I can activate via the taskbar, depending on whether I type directly on the Lenovo Yoga keyboard (Built In Keyboard.exe) or on an external keyboard (External Keyboard.exe). The two exe-files can be created by yourself with Autohotkey and supplemented with useful additional assignments (bank account, telephone number etc.). The only small catch here would be that Windows 10 always complains if you hold down the cursor up key too long when scrolling up, but this is not a real problem. Perfect would be a utility program that detects if an external keyboard is connected and then launches the correct exe app.

Fan problem:

The fan of the Lenovo Yoga 710 is extremely loud, and to make it worse, the microphone is mounted right next to it! What a "Chinese misconstruction", I thought to myself shortly after the purchase, from which millions of users have to suffer for no reason. Without a headset, a Skype conversation wasn't possible, it always sounds like a passing Intercity train to the other person. And since the last Windows 10 forced update a few weeks ago, the fan hasn't stopped running at full speed! Previously I could at least switch to "economy mode" via power management, which reduced the fan speed (but unfortunately also the processor performance, which was very noticeable while working). Since this setting simply disappeared with the Windows update and the noise became unbearable today, I looked again for a fan control program, which I had not found at the time when I bought the Lenovo Yoga 710.

Solution: I found the perfect answer in a forum: The small but fine freeware "Notebook Fan Control" by St. Hirschmann.

Simple to install, select Lenovo 710 from the list in the settings, set target fan activity to 0%, and after a few minutes there was silence in the box - unbelievable! Since Stefan so elegantly released me from a huge problem at work, I spontaneously donated 2.00 € to him out of gratitude (it would have been worth much more to me, but I'm hopefully not the only one to donate).

If fan noise can still be heard, the maximum processor power can be reduced as well. At 95% the fan runs on the lowest level continuously, at 90% it stops completely.

Dropbox directory for the programs
- Notebook Fan Control.exe
- External Keyboard.exe
- Built In Keyboard.exe

Whoever - like me - has also suffered from these two severe problems and somehow (thanks to Googel's generous ranking consideration) came across this blog entry, will also save himself the daily hassle and stress with these solutions in order to regain a piece of quality of life (nowadays no longer exaggerated!). Anyway, I'm so grateful and enthusiastic about the almost free fix for my touchscreen "jewel" that I couldn't help but create this little blog article, because I know that there is a huge amount of Lenovo Yoga users out there. I don't even expect a small donation, although it would be worth it and produces good karma.

Why Touchscreen?

Rather superfluous for professional work. But for games and specific applications, a touchscreen is invaluably handy.

Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2019

Gelöst: "Falls die Wiedergabe nicht in Kürze beginnt empfehlen wir das Gerät neu zu starten"

Millionenfach täglich erhalten Windows-Anwender die ärgerliche Youtube-Meldung: "Falls die Wiedergabe nicht in Kürze beginnt empfehlen wir das Gerät neu zu starten". Die Fehlerursache ist alles anderes als naheliegend und hat nichts mit dem Browser, Youtube, Flashplayer oder sonstiger Videosoftware zu tun, sondern schlicht und einfach mit dem angeschlossenen Audiogerät wie Bluetooth- oder USB-Kopfhörer.

Lösung: Audio-Gerät ausstecken, Video starten - Video läuft mit Ton über Gerätelautsprecher. Danach Audio-Gerät wieder einstecken und alles funktioniert wie gewünscht!

Das Geräteproblem kann sich übrigens auf sämtliche Medienwiedergaben auswirken, z.B. auch auf das Abspielen von Facebook-Sprachnachrichten.